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Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department

Faculty Details: Click here


  • GOALS 

    Teaching to medical students and quality care to patients and improving MCH services.

    • Knowledge
      1. Anatomy, Physiology Pathophysiology of reproductive system.
      2. Understanding of normal pregnancy, labour and puerperium.
      3. Understanding of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality
      4. Understanding of contraception, MTP, TL and their complications.
      5. Understanding of National Programmes of MCH and Family Welfare and its implementation.
      6. Find out common gynecological problems and its management.
      7. Full knowledge of caesarian section, laprascopy, AH, VH, MTP and other conservative surgeries.
      8. Full knowledge of drugs use in obstetrics and gynecology.
    • Skills
      1. Examine normal pregnant woman and reference to higher center when the patient is high risk.
      2. Conduct a normal vaginal delivery, find out its complications and provide a proper post natal care.
      3. Find out anomalies in new born and proper resusccitation.
      4. A couple is advised a proper contraception and assist in insertion of intra uterine device.
      5. Proper pelvic examination and diagnosis of common gynecological problems and its management and detection of early genital cancers.
      6. Make vaginal cytological smear, wet vaginal smear examination for T. vaginalis, moniliasis, and gram stain for gonorrhoea and do post coital test.
      7. Understanding of biochemical, histo-pathological, radiological, ultrasound investigation.


    • Integration 
      Student should have integration of clinical skills, disciplines, bring about coordination of family welfare programmes.